Nespresso Lattissima Ones

Jessica Dillon
15 min readJun 11, 2024


Welcome to our roundup article featuring the Nespresso Lattissima One, a high-quality and versatile espresso machine that’s perfect for your home or office. This article aims to provide you with a detailed overview of the Lattissima One’s features, performance, and how it can elevate your daily coffee experience. Buckle up and let’s dive into the world of Nespresso’s innovative and convenient espresso machine.

The Top 9 Best Nespresso Lattissima Ones

  1. Nespresso Vertuo Lattissima: Versatile Espresso Machine with Milk Function — Experience the perfect blend of quality espresso drinks and easily customizable milk-based options with Nespresso Vertuo Lattissima by De’Longhi, the ultimate one-touch coffee solution.
  2. De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima Touch: One-Touch, Italian-Designed Latte Machine — Indulge in café-quality lattes in mere seconds using the sophisticated, user-friendly De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima Touch. Featuring an innovative milk frothing system and effortless upkeep, this appliance is a game-changer for coffee enthusiasts.
  3. Nespresso Lattissima One Compact Espresso Machine with Milk Frother — Experience authentic café-style coffee at home with the Nespresso Lattissima One Automatic Capsule Coffee Machine, featuring a powerful 19 bar pressure system, high-quality milk frother, and a user-friendly interface for effortless espresso enjoyment.
  4. Nespresso Gran Lattissima Espresso Machine: Premium Quality Drinks in Compact Design — Experience barista-quality espresso drinks effortlessly with the sleek, compact, and stylish Nespresso Gran Lattissima Espresso Machine.
  5. Nespresso Lattissima One — Premium Coffee Machine for Lattes and Cappuccinos — Indulge in premium Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato with the Nespresso Lattissima One, boasting easy-to-handle design and a one-litre water tank.
  6. De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima One Espresso Machine — Black Edition — Simplify your morning routine with the Nespresso Lattissima One Black Espresso Machine, featuring 3 milk recipes, a single-serve milk jug with detachable lid, and a compact, easy-to-use design.
  7. De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima One Espresso Machine — Nespresso Lattissima One: Crafted in Italy, this one-touch espresso machine offers simple, delicious lattes and cappuccinos with a high-pressure pump and automatic off function.
  8. Nespresso Gran Lattissima Coffee & Espresso Machine with Milk Frother for Perfect Lattes — Experience the perfect blend of convenience and quality with the Nespresso De’Longhi Gran Lattissima, boasting easy-to-use features, superior frothing capabilities, and a variety of customizable milk foams for your desired coffee experience.
  9. Nespresso Lattissima One Espresso Machine — Experience the perfect blend of convenience, quality, and style with the Nespresso Lattissima Touch Black — a highly-rated machine that simplifies your morning coffee routine while delivering unmatched results.

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Nespresso Vertuo Lattissima: Versatile Espresso Machine with Milk Function


The Nespresso Vertuo Lattissima from De’Longhi is a game-changer for coffee lovers. It brings your every coffee wish to your cup with just one touch! With the integrated milk solution, you can enjoy your coffee black or with foam at the press of a button. Whether you’re in the mood for a small coffee or a large latte, this machine offers a wide array of coffee varieties and cup sizes to choose from — making your coffee experience more pleasurable and effortless.

One of the standout features of this machine is the built-in milk frother. It creates smooth and velvety microfoam, making your coffee taste like a coffee shop original. No need to worry about cleaning up; the whole milk frother is quick to rinse and dishwasher safe. Additionally, the machine has a removable water tank and drip tray, allowing for hassle-free maintenance and easy cleaning.

Furthermore, the Nespresso Vertuo Lattissima is incredibly compact, perfect for small kitchens. Plus, it’s connectable to a Nespresso app via Bluetooth for maintenance management, although this feature doesn’t take control of brewing coffee from your phone, which would be a great addition.

Though the Nespresso Vertuo Lattissima is a bit noisy, its performance justifies the small sacrifices. Overall, this premium coffee machine comes highly recommended for those seeking a top-notch home brewing solution.

De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima Touch: One-Touch, Italian-Designed Latte Machine


The De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima Touch, a sleek Italian machine, brings an authentic barista-style latte experience right into your kitchen. With the touch of a button, it creates rich and long-lasting foam, making your morning coffee routine a breeze. The intuitive touchscreen simplifies the selection of your preferred beverage, while the sliding drip tray accommodates various cup sizes.

Its compact design, along with illuminated buttons, adds a modern touch to your kitchen. Boasting a 4.7-star rating and 265 reviews, this one-touch latte machine is a must-have for coffee lovers.

Nespresso Lattissima One Compact Espresso Machine with Milk Frother


Introducing the Delonghi Nespresso Latissima One — the ultimate companion for coffee enthusiasts seeking convenience, quality, and versatility all in one sleek package. This coffee machine is designed to bring the café experience right into your home with its powerful 19 bar pressure system ensuring every cup is brewed to perfection, rich and aromatic flavors with a velvety crema. The Latissima One features a milk frother capable of creating a wide range of milk-based beverages, from lattes to cappuccinos, with just a touch of a button.

It boasts a rapid heat-up time, enabling you to enjoy your favorite coffee drinks in a matter of seconds, saving you valuable time in the morning rush. The simple and intuitive interface makes operating effortless, with programmable volume control allowing you to customize the size of your coffee to suit your preferences.

Maintenance is hassle-free with the removable milk container and water tank, while the convenient energy-saving mode automatically switches off after 9 minutes of inactivity to save energy and reduce environmental impact. The elegant design seamlessly blends into any kitchen decor, adding a touch of sophistication to your space.

With compatibility to Nespresso capsules, the Latissima One offers a wide range of flavors and intensities, allowing you to explore and indulge in a world of coffee possibilities. Elevate your coffee experience with the Delonghi Nespresso Latissima One and enjoy barista-quality coffee from the comfort of your own home.

Nespresso Gran Lattissima Espresso Machine: Premium Quality Drinks in Compact Design


Nespresso had me at the idea of barista-quality drinks served right at home, but this Gran Lattissima Espresso Machine does not disappoint. First things first, this coffee machine is as stylish as it is functional. With its sleek stainless steel accents and glass touch panel, it immediately ups the style quotient of the kitchen, making for a chic addition.

I love the fact that Nespresso pods are not only easy to use, but they also offer a variety of flavors that one can try out. The heat up time is impressive; within no time, you have your frothy cappuccinos and creamy lattes ready to go. Plus, the cleanup is a cinch — I can’t stress this enough.

However, as with every product, there’s a little negative to counterbalance the positive. The noise level while the machine is in use could be a bit higher than expected, which might disrupt peaceful mornings. Also, the inconsistency in the milk frothing function can be a bit of a bother.

All in all, despite its minor flaws, Nespresso Gran Lattissima Espresso Machine is an excellent addition to the kitchen, serving out deliciously hot and flavorful coffee drinks.

Nespresso Lattissima One — Premium Coffee Machine for Lattes and Cappuccinos


The Nespresso Lattissima One is a sleek and compact espresso, lungo, and milk coffee machine. It’s an easy-to-use appliance that provides top-quality coffee beverages with just a push of a button. With a sleek design and movable cup support for large recipe cups, this machine makes it easy to indulge in quality espresso drinks at home.

One of the key selling points of this machine is its 19-bar pressure, which is responsible for the intense flavor and aroma of the coffee. It also boasts a one-liter water tank capacity and a 0.125-liter milk jug capacity, making it a convenient and efficient appliance.

However, the Nespresso Lattissima One does come with a few drawbacks. Users have reported issues with the milk frother, with some machines failing after only a few uses. Additionally, the compact design of the machine means that it may require frequent refilling of the water tank. The noise level and heating speed of the machine have also been mentioned as minor concerns.

Overall, the Nespresso Lattissima One is an attractive and easy-to-use coffee machine that offers convenience and quality. While it does come with a few drawbacks, the positives outweigh the negatives, making it a worthwhile investment for coffee lovers seeking a simple and delicious espresso experience at home.

De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima One Espresso Machine — Black Edition


I got my hands on the Nespresso Lattissima One Black Espresso Machine, and boy, it’s been quite the ride. Let me tell you, this machine certainly lives up to its name of providing the perfect cup of espresso. The versatility of milk options, Cappuccinos, Lattes, and Espresso Macchiatos, has been a game-changer for me.

One thing that stands out is the frother’s efficiency in turning milk into a silky, rich froth. It’s just a matter of filling the jug and letting it do its magic, which couldn’t be easier. And speaking of the milk jug, that detachable lid sure does make refilling a breeze. No more juggling between a full and an empty milk container at the same time; now it’s all smooth sailing.

However, this compact design has its downsides too. The noise level seems to be on the higher side, making it not the ideal choice for those looking for a quieter morning routine. Plus, while the chrome lever adds a touch of class, it also makes handling the machine a bit tricky at times.

All in all, the Nespresso Lattissima One is a bit of a love-hate relationship. It’s perfect for quick coffee fixes and has a knack for turning even the most basic of ingredients into a heavenly brew. But then again, its size and noise level can be rather off-putting for some.

De’Longhi Nespresso Lattissima One Espresso Machine


The Nespresso Lattissima One is a high-quality, Italian-crafted espresso machine that offers a simple, one-touch solution for enjoying delicious cappuccino and latte macchiato at home. Its innovative fresh milk system allows you to froth milk directly in the cup for a perfect coffee and milk drink, while the machine’s design is both elegant and compact to fit easily in any kitchen.

The Lattissima One also features a high-pressure pump with a fast heat-up system, a convenient tasting kit with 14 Nespresso original capsules to get you started, and is compatible with other Nespresso machines’ capsules for added flexibility. However, some users have reported issues with the milk frother and the machine’s size and design, which may not be suitable for larger coffee mugs.

Nespresso Gran Lattissima Coffee & Espresso Machine with Milk Frother for Perfect Lattes


I recently tried the Nespresso De’Longhi Gran Lattissima Coffee Maker and Espresso Machine, and it has made my mornings a lot more enjoyable. The machine is convenient and easy to use, with a clear interface that makes it simple to select the beverage of your choice. One of my favorite features is the customizable milk foam, which allows me to choose the exact level of froth I prefer. Overall, the machine provides great-tasting espresso drinks, and I appreciate the automatic shut-off feature for added peace of mind.

Despite its numerous pros, there are a couple of cons to the Gran Lattissima. Firstly, it can be quite loud while brewing, which may be a drawback for some users. Additionally, cleaning the machine can be a bit of a hassle, especially the drip trays which need to be cleaned after every use. Nevertheless, these minor drawbacks do not detract significantly from the overall experience. Overall, the Nespresso De’Longhi Gran Lattissima Coffee Maker and Espresso Machine has become a valuable addition to my daily coffee routine.

Nespresso Lattissima One Espresso Machine


As someone who relies on a good cup of coffee to kickstart my day, the Lattissima Touch was an instant hit for me. The sleek black design seamlessly blends into my kitchen countertop, and the compact size meant it didn’t take up too much space, which was a major plus. One of the standout features for me was the tactile control panel — it’s user-friendly and allows me to switch between various coffee selections and milk recipes effortlessly.

But it’s not all roses — there are a few drawbacks that I’ve encountered. Sometimes, the machine can be quite loud during the brewing process, especially first thing in the morning when I need some peace and quiet. Additionally, the milk frother could be a bit more efficient — I’ve found myself having to froth and reheat the milk a few times to get it just right.

Overall, though, I’m pretty impressed with the Lattissima Touch. It’s easy to use, easy to clean, and the quality of the espresso drinks it produces is consistently impressive. The build quality feels sturdy and well-made, and I appreciate that it’s relatively compact, making it a great addition to any kitchen.

Buyer’s Guide

Welcome to our buyer’s guide for the Nespresso Lattissima One, a highly sought-after single-serve espresso maker. This guide will provide you with essential information on the product category, allowing you to make an informed decision when purchasing. Let’s dive into the world of Nespresso Lattissima One and explore its features, considerations, and general advice.

Features of Nespresso Lattissima One

The Nespresso Lattissima One is a compact, convenient, and user-friendly espresso machine designed for those who appreciate the perfect espresso or cappuccino in a matter of seconds. Let’s take a closer look at some of its main features that make it stand out from the competition:

  1. One-touch milk frothing system, 2) High-pressure pump, 3) Energy-efficient operation, and 4) Easy milk container cleanup.

Considerations When Choosing a Nespresso Machine

When deciding on the perfect Nespresso machine for your needs, there are several factors to consider. These include:

  1. Space requirements — make sure it fits comfortably on your countertop or kitchen shelf. 2) Milk frothing preferences — choose between manual or automatic frothing machines. 3) Maintenance requirements — check how frequently and easily the machine can be cleaned. 4) Price range — consider your budget and invest in a model within your price range that meets your needs.

General Advice for Using a Nespresso Lattissima One

To get the most out of your Nespresso Lattissima One, follow these tips:

  1. Always use freshly roasted and ground coffee for the best taste. 2) Clean the machine regularly to ensure optimal performance and maintain hygiene. 3) Experiment with different coffee blends and milk types to find your favorite combination. 4) Consider purchasing complementary accessories, such as aroma capsules and cup warmers, to enhance your coffee experience.

The Nespresso Lattissima One is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a modern, convenient, and easy-to-use espresso machine. By reviewing its features, considering your preferences, and following our general advice, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying delicious espresso and cappuccino at home.


How does the Nespresso Lattissima One work?

The Nespresso Lattissima One is an espresso machine designed for convenience and ease of use. It has a built-in milk frother, which allows you to create delicious cappuccinos and lattes with the touch of a button. Simply place a Nespresso capsule into the machine, select your desired coffee option, and the machine will prepare your drink in no time. The machine also features an automatic cleaning function to ensure that your espresso always tastes fresh and delicious.

The Lattissima One uses a patented system that combines high-pressure technology and the unique Nespresso capsule system to deliver a rich and flavorful cup of espresso. The machine is easy to use — just insert a capsule, select your desired coffee option, and the machine will do the rest. It also features a built-in milk frother, which allows you to create delicious cappuccinos and lattes.

Is the Nespresso Lattissima One easy to clean?

Yes, the Nespresso Lattissima One is designed to be easy to clean. The machine features an automatic cleaning function, which helps to keep your machine in top condition. You also need to clean the milk frother after each use to prevent the build-up of milk residue. Regular cleaning will help ensure that your drinks always taste fresh and delicious.

Additionally, the Lattissima One comes with a descaling solution that you can use to clean the machine’s internal parts. This solution should be used every three to six months, depending on how frequently you use your machine. By following the recommended cleaning schedule, you can help ensure that your Nespresso Lattissima One continues to perform at its best.

What types of coffee options are available with the Nespresso Lattissima One?

The Nespresso Lattissima One offers a range of coffee options to suit different tastes. You can choose from a variety of Nespresso capsules, each with its unique taste and intensity. Some of the most popular options include Ristretto, Espresso, Lungo, and Americano. The machine also features a cappuccino and latte option, which use the built-in milk frother to create a creamy and delicious drink.

With a variety of coffee options to choose from, the Nespresso Lattissima One allows you to customize your coffee experience according to your preferences. Whether you prefer a strong and intense espresso or a creamy and indulgent latte, the Lattissima One has you covered. Simply select your desired coffee option, and the machine will prepare your drink in no time.

What is the warranty period for the Nespresso Lattissima One?

The Nespresso Lattissima One comes with a comprehensive warranty that covers you for any manufacturing defects for two years from the date of purchase. This warranty applies to the entire machine, including the milk frother and capsule container. You can also purchase an optional extended warranty, which provides additional coverage beyond the standard two-year period.

If you encounter any issues with your machine during the warranty period, you can contact Nespresso’s customer service team for assistance. They will help you troubleshoot the issue and, if necessary, arrange for a repair or replacement of your machine. Nespresso is committed to providing excellent customer service and support for their products, ensuring that you get the most out of your Nespresso Lattissima One.

How much does the Nespresso Lattissima One cost?

The Nespresso Lattissima One is priced at around $299. This price includes the machine, a milk frother, and a set of Nespresso capsules. You can purchase additional capsules from Nespresso or from a range of authorized retailers. The machine is available in a range of colors, including black, white, and stainless steel, allowing you to choose the option that best suits your style and preferences.

While the Lattissima One may be priced at the higher end of the espresso machine market, it offers a range of features and convenience that make it a great investment for coffee lovers. With a built-in milk frother, automatic cleaning function, and a range of coffee options, the Lattissima One is a versatile and high-performing machine that is sure to satisfy your coffee cravings.

What is the difference between the Nespresso Lattissima One and the Lattissima Pro?

The Nespresso Lattissima One and the Lattissima Pro are both espresso machines from the same brand, but they offer some key differences that make them suitable for different types of coffee drinkers. The Lattissima One is a more compact and portable machine, making it an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy their coffee on-the-go. It also features a built-in milk frother, which allows you to create delicious cappuccinos and lattes with ease.

The Lattissima Pro, on the other hand, is a larger and more powerful machine that is designed for heavy use. It offers more advanced features, such as a digital display and a larger water tank. The Pro model also features an adjustable coffee spout, making it suitable for use with a range of cup sizes. With a larger and more powerful motor, the Lattissima Pro is designed to deliver a more consistent and intense coffee experience, making it an excellent choice for coffee connoisseurs and commercial use.

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